Wednesday 27 September 2017

Think About Le-Ladakh Tour

Ladakh, situated on the banks of the Indus River, is a famous tourist destination of Jammu and Kashmir State. It is also known as Last Sangrila, Little Tibet, Moon Land or Broken Moon etc. In addition to the main city 'Leh', there are some major tourist sites like Alchi, Nubra Valley, Hemis Lymourou, Zanskar Valley, Kargil, Ahmed Pangang Tso, and Tso Car and Tso Moriri etc. near this area. Beautiful lakes and monasteries, fascinating scenes and mountain peaks are attractive features. Common languages spoken in the state include Ladkakhi, Purig, Tibetan, Hindi and English. Ladakh, the world's two major mountain ranges, is situated between Karakoram and Himalayas, at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level. In addition, parallel ranges of Janskar and Ladakh surround the valley of Ladakh.

History of Ladakh –At a Glance-
It is believed that Ladakh was originally a sinking part of a major lake, which became the valley of Ladakh, due to many years of geographical changes. Now it is a major state of Jammu and Kashmir. During the 10th century, Ladakh was under the rule of the successors of Tibetan kings. During the reign of King Sengi Namgyal in the 17th century, the Himalayan Empire reached its peak. Later, in the 18th century, Ladakh and Baltistan were included in the area of Jammu and Kashmir. After the partition of India in 1947, Baltistan became part of Pakistan.

Tourist places in and around Ladakh-
Buddhism is the main religion in this region, the monastery or gompa is a prominent feature in the list of attractions of Ladakh. Some monasteries such as Hemis Mutt, Shankar Gompa, Matho Math, Shi Gompa, Spituk Math, and Sukna Mutt are among the most notable monasteries in this region. Apart from this, Hicks Monts and Samo monasteries are also worth a look.

The festivals of Ladakh-
Galdan Namhot, Buddha Purnima, Dosmoche and Losur are celebrated in Ladakh with great gusto and during this time the crowd of tourists is over. The festival named Dosmoche lasted two days in which the Buddhist monks dance, perform prayers and perform rituals to keep the unfortunate and evil spirits away from the area. One of the most important festivals of Tibetan Buddhism is the 'Saka Dawa', which celebrates Gautam Buddha's birthday, Buddha and the end of his mortal body. It is celebrated in the fourth month of the Tibetan calendar, usually in May or June, which lasts for a whole month. Tourists can take a taxi or bike rentals to tour this area. Generally people like to visit this place with their own vehicle, which is more convenient.

Some travel information-
Due to the area's rugged, rugged terrain, tourists are advised to keep the spare parts of the vehicle with you, it can be helpful in any emergency. Various restaurants and hotels in the entire area offer service to the bot or soup noodles and momo or dumplings.

The best time of visit to Ladakh -
It can be planned for the visit of Ladakh at any time from May to September. At this time the weather here is pleasant and the temperature does not exceed 33 ° C.

Pangong Tso Lake-
This lake is situated at an altitude of 14,100ft. in the Eastern sector of Ladakh, at a distance of 150 km from Leh across Changla pass (17,000ft.).This lake is one of the largest and most beautiful natural brackish lake in the country.

Tsomoriri Lake-
This lake is situated at a elevation of 15,000 ft. above the sea level, at a distance of 240 km from Leh in the South-eastern sector of Ladakh. It is like a pearl shaped and contains large mineral deposits. Korzok village is situated on the South-west bank of this lake. Korzok Gonpa and its inhabitants  nomads by tradition are most outstanding features of this area.

Nubra Valley-
This valley is popularly known as Ldumra or the valley of orchard/flowers. It is situated in the North of Ladakh, between Karakoram and Ladakh ranges of Himalayas. Nubra lies at average altitude about 10,000 feet above sea level. The climate, of the areas being soft, soil is much fertile and the vegetation of the area is comparatively thicker than those of the other areas of Ladakh. Shrubs, bushes and trees grow in abundance wherever there is any source of water. Due to this reason Nubra has acquired its right name- Ldumra. Shayok and Siachan rivers forms fairly large drain in Nubra. Nubra is a broad valley with lofty mountains on its all sides. Valley assumes greater attractions at the site where both the rivers meet. Major attraction of Nubra is the highest motorable road Khardongla pass (18,380ft.) majestic peaks and glaciers enchanting valleys and villages. Diskit and Samstanling Gonpa, Panamik hot spring, double humped camel safari, river rafting, trekking and Sunbathe in the sand dunes at Hunder are also a great source of attraction for the tourists

How to reach Ladakh-
The tourists who are planning to visit Ladakh can reach their destination by air, rail and road. But Air way is the best and less time consuming.

1 comment:

  1. This place is known for being blue and the water here is crystal clear and is just beautiful. It's just a one-day visit to that place. Amazing experience. The tents are basic but have what u need. I liked your post. ladakh tour packages


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